Buffaloes that trap a lion in a tree try to bite its balls


The lion’s decision to climb a tree to defend itself can be seen as a success given the circumstances. Facing two angry buffalo herds, the lion would be at a significant disadvantage on the ground, as they are powerful and aggressive animals. Climbing a tree allows the lion to escape the immediate threat and stay out of reach of the buffalo’s horns.

By choosing to climb the tree, the lion gains a tactical advantage by putting distance between himself and the buffalo. Additionally, lions are expert climbers and are often known to take refuge in trees when faced with threats or when they need to rest. As long as the lion can find a safe and solid position in the tree, it provides a safer vantage point to assess the situation and wait for a better opportunity to escape or make a move if necessary.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the situation may vary depending on factors such as the height and type of tree, the number and aggressiveness of buffaloes, and the terrain in general. Ultimately, the lion’s ability to climb and the circumstances of the encounter will determine the effectiveness of this defensive strategy.

Victoria Craddock, 26, and Chad Hobson, 27, had the wonderful opportunity to not only witness, but also film this entire interaction. They shared the story and images with LatestSightings.com.


“MalaMala Game Reserve has the luxury of being able to see wild animals in an exceptional way. On this stay we enjoyed some fantastic lion sightings so having the opportunity to find something a little different was really pleasing. A large herd of buffalo.”

“When we arrived, there were also lions in the distance, although the lions were aware of the buffalo herd. It’s worth noting that this group of lions had killed two sub-adult buffaloes in the last 48 hours, so I had little expectation that they would hunt again. The fact that it was an extremely hot day did not favor the prospects of an interaction. However, the prospect of an interaction between lions and buffalo is always exciting.”


“The herd of more than 100 buffaloes arrived at the dam; The lighting was magnificent as they kicked up dust and wallowed in the muddy water. Once the herd had quenched their thirst, they moved east. What we didn’t know was that the lions had noticed a different herd of buffalo heading towards the same prey.”

Frightened lion cub treed by buffalo
Lion cub forcefully beating a buffalo

“The lions began to move and chase the second pride, creating chaos. As the lions chased the second pride, the second pride retaliated and chased the lions into a dry riverbed, where the original pride stayed. The first pride was equally displeased with the presence of the lions and began to chase them.”


“The lions found themselves between two herds of angry buffalo. At that moment, a young male made the impulsive decision to climb a reddish willow tree. It was not a smart decision, as the buffaloes were now angry. somehow big enough. He hurried to stay out of reach of the striking horns. The buffalo remained at the base of the tree for almost an hour, sniffing and patting the young lion’s feet.

Lion chased by buffalo

“Finally, the intensity of the sighting stabilized. Just as the persistent buffalo became distracted by the other lions, the young male descended. With his tail between his legs and a feeling of relief on his face, he rejoined the pack.”


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