Discover the cow that broke the world record for the longest horn with an astonishing length

A West Texas longhorn has unofficially broken the Guinness World Record for the longest horn length on a steer.

Guinness World Record for Longest Horn Stretch Goes to Texas Longhorn from Alabama The six-year-old longhorn, named Bucklehead, showed off his prodigious horn length of 11 feet, 1.8 inches from tip to tip at Lawton, Oklahoma’s Horn Showcase, which took place from October 4 to 5. Guinness is reviewing documentation before considering Bucklehead’s record official, so it can be included in the 2020 record book, according to the San Angelo Standard-Times.
A six-year-old longhorn, named Bucklehead, is now the unofficial Guinness record holder for the largest horn spread on a steer with a prodigious tip-to-tip horn spread of 11 feet, 1.8 inches.
Measurements for Bucklehead (center) were taken at Lawton, Oklahoma’s Horn Showcase The previous record holder for the largest horn spread was a seven-year-old longhorn from Goodwater, Alabama, named Poncho Via. In May, its antlers measured 10 feet, 7.4 inches. Bucklehead’s owner is Marcela Gonzales, 14, of Rocksprings, Texas. She won it almost five and a half years ago at another show when her name was chosen during a drawing. Five breeders had donated steers for the raffle and when Marceala won, she was allowed to choose the steer she wanted. That’s when he selected Bucklehead, who was then six months old.
Bucklehead is owned by 14-year-old Marceala Gonzales (right), who won it in a raffle almost five and a half years ago. His brother, Leandro (left), is his manager and exhibitor.
To transport Bucklehead safely, Leandro glues tennis balls to the ends of his horns and a personal chauffeur drives the steer. Marceala’s brother, Leandro, is Bucklehead’s manager and exhibitor at the 12 to 15 shows he attends a year. His mother, Pauline Gonzales, said Leandro glues tennis balls to the ends of the steer’s horns to protect them while he is in his eight-and-a-half-foot-wide trailer, which is driven by a personal driver. “We have to be very careful, he is our big baby,” Pauline told the newspaper. Bucklehead is expected to attend the Longhorn Show in Llano, Texas, Oct. 19-21. He was born on October 13, 2013 and was bred by Brent and Cindy Bolen of Bolen Longhorns in Lufkin, Texas.


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