The mysterious disc at the bottom of the Baltic Sea: A product of prehistoric civilization or an extraterrestrial spaceship?

At the bottom of the Baltic Sea lies a mysterious disc, approximately 60 meters in diameter and 4 meters in height, with smooth edges and a perfect circular shape, resembling a spacecraft.

This enigmatic disc was accidentally discovered in 2001 by a team of professional divers who faced numerous challenges and dangers while attempting to uncover its true identity.


Upon testing and research, it was found that the disc is a metallic product that has been resting peacefully beneath the sea for 140,000 years. So what is this mysterious disc truly? Is it an artifact of an ancient civilization or a spacecraft from an extraterrestrial visitor?

In June 2011, the professional salvage team, Ocean X of Sweden, discovered the wreckage of a wine cargo ship at a depth of about 90 meters beneath the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe. While using a sonar device to search for the precious cargo of champagne within the shipwreck, Ocean X spotted a large circular object appearing on the device’s screen.


In June 2001, a professional salvage team named Ocean X accidentally stumbled upon an immensely mysterious finding while hunting for treasures in the Baltic Sea.

Using sonar equipment, they came across a massive disc measuring approximately 60 meters in diameter and about 4 meters in height at the seafloor. The disc appeared highly peculiar—it didn’t resemble a sunken ship, an airplane, or even a coral reef.

Its edges were remarkably smooth and perfectly curved, looking entirely unnatural. Some compared this disc to the spacecraft in the “Star Wars” movies.


This strange object is about 60 meters in diameter and about 4 meters high and was discovered at a depth of 80 – 90m in international waters between Sweden and Finland.

The discovery left the salvage team immensely excited. They posted their findings on social media, and upon its announcement, it immediately attracted widespread attention from the media and the public. Many speculated that this large disc might be a flying saucer. If confirmed, it would be one of the most significant discoveries in human history.

The Ocean X salvage team didn’t immediately dive down to inspect the disc after its initial discovery. As it was late in the day and the fuel on the ship was running low, they decided to head back to the port for a good night’s rest, planning to return to the discovery site fully prepared the following day.

The next day, in order to uncover the truth, the Ocean X group returned to the Baltic Sea after making all the necessary preparations. Given the complexity of the environment, it would have been riskier for team members to directly dive. Consequently, they decided to send a submersible to investigate first.


Where the mysterious disc was discovered by the Ocean X salvage team – the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland.

As the submersible approached the disc, suddenly, both the submersible and all the equipment on it malfunctioned. The team immediately activated emergency procedures and steered the boat away from the area.

At a distance of about 200 meters, all equipment began functioning normally. They repeated the experiment several times, and the same result occurred. This suggested that within a radius of 200 meters around that disc, there seemed to be some unknown substance causing interference with various electronic signals and devices.

This proves that the disc cannot be formed naturally and is most likely an artificial product. To find out the truth, the Ocean X team chose an experienced diver and let him go into the water alone for reconnaissance.

To ensure the equipment on the ship can operate normally, they can only park the boat 200m away from the disc. At the bottom of the sea, the light is so weak that fingers cannot be seen, divers can only rely on the light above their heads to slowly approach the giant disc.

When approaching the giant disc, the experienced diver took out his tools and wanted to break a small sample to bring back for research. However, after just a few hits, the headlights suddenly went out, and the oxygen tank also stopped providing oxygen.


the diver felt extremely scared. He swam towards the boat and tried to contact his shipmates, but the communication device was also partially disabled.

The people on the train couldn’t hear what he was saying, but guessed that something was wrong. Therefore, the members on board quickly pulled the safety rope on the diver’s body and rescued him.

Since its discovery under the Baltic Sea in June 2011, the mystery surrounding this peculiar object has captivated the curious minds. There have been numerous explanations proposed for the object found by the Swedish diving team, “Ocean-X”. Some speculate it might be a meteorite, an asteroid, or a UFO.


After a brief period of silence, the group members began debating whether they should return home or press on. Some felt dissatisfied with the idea of returning empty-handed and were keen to venture back into the depths once more.

Following an animated discussion, one diver decided to take the risk and uncover the dormant secrets hidden under the sea floor. Thus, he dove back into the frigid waters of the Baltic and exerted effort to break a stone from the giant disc.

The retrieved stone was carefully sent to the laboratory for testing and analysis, yielding astonishing results. Scientists in the laboratory discovered that these stones contained a significant amount of metallic elements such as titanium, iron, and manganese.

What’s even more surprising is the unique and complex amalgamation of these elements, not naturally occurring. By analyzing its components, scientists deduced that it had rested beneath the seabed for 140,000 years.

The most endorsed hypothesis proposed by Volker Bryuhert, from Stockholm University (Sweden), suggests that the mysterious object is merely a rock. The Baltic Sea has been influenced by the melting of ice rivers, and this type of rock could have formed during that time. However, this theory doesn’t explain why phones, satellites, and machinery cease to function when near these rocks. Thus, the mystery remains unsolved.

Soon after, they made another discovery. While studying numerous sonar images taken at that time, they found a long trail behind the enigmatic disc. As the trail ended, another trail followed, extending from a different angle.

Following the continuation of this trail, they discovered a second disc, positioned approximately 200 meters apart. Members of the Ocean X diving team speculate that this could be a UFO that crashed and split into two, then slid in two different directions, creating the twin trails. This speculation is quite plausible because a Swedish pilot once spotted a large circular flying object parked in mid-air while on a mission over the Baltic Sea.

As he prepared to fly closer for inspection, the object suddenly ascended from an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level to 10,000 meters. He had never seen anything ascend so quickly, and just as he was about to catch up, the object vanished into thin air.

Subsequently, the Swedish pilot drew a picture of the UFO he had witnessed. Surprisingly, the UFO he drew closely resembled the giant disc captured by the Ocean X diving team.

This incredible coincidence further led the members of the Ocean X team to believe that they had discovered a deeply buried mysterious historical artifact at the bottom of the sea.


Due to insufficient manpower and financial resources, the Ocean X team sought support from the Swedish military for the recovery of the disc, but their request was declined. Nevertheless, it seems they did not give up and continued to dive into the seabed for research purposes.

However, the Baltic Sea’s geographical location, which experiences significant dangers such as year-round rough waves and strong winds, has rendered the recovery of the disc impossible until now. The true nature of the disc remains indeterminate. It might be an ancient civilization’s relic or evidence of extraterrestrial origin.

Regardless of the actual reality, this discovery is immensely valuable and meaningful. It not only allows us to contemplate deeply about human history and its future but also guides us to a deeper understanding of the mysteries of the universe and science.

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